Senior Ensemble

The Senior Ensemble is our performance level band. It is geared towards musicians that want to be part of a high-level performance group and to explore new directions with their music. Musicians perform complex arrangements of traditional and contemporary fiddle tunes as well as original music that blends folk, jazz, and classical. Members of this program enjoy unique and transformative opportunities to engage with music and public performance.

Age: 13+

Instruments: violin, viola, cello; flute/whistle mandolin, and accordion.

Pre-requisite: Audition

Co-requisite: Weekly private lessons

Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm and Saturdays, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm September - June

Location: Highlands United Church, North Vancouver

Faculty: Gabriel Dubreuil and Serena Eades

Tuition: 2024-2025 Fee and Program Schedule. A need-based bursary is available - apply here. If you'd like to contribute to our bursary fund, please visit our donations page

  • Download audition materials below. Audition dates are June 15 and June 19 2024. Please email to schedule your audition or schedule by clicking here. Early registration for NSCE programs is open June 1 until the end of June.

    We look forward to meeting you! If you are auditioning on Flute, Piano, Guitar, percussion or another folk instrument please email Gabriel at the address above for audition requirements.

    Please note: Recordings may need to be downloaded to play. Not all browsers support these file types.

    Sheet Music & Recordings:

    SENIOR AUDITION 2024/25 (Violin)

    SENIOR AUDITION 2024/25 (Viola)

    SENIOR AUDITION 2024/25 (Cello)

  • Performances Include:

    • Theatre shows (~2-3/year)

    • Local festivals, events and fundraisers (~10-15+/year)

    • Healthcare and eldercare concerts

    • Spring Ceilidh dance

    Additional Activity (fees independent from tuition and determined by itinerary):

    • Weekend travel to perform and attend workshops at the West Coast Youth Fiddle Summit (2025 event in Banff)

    • International tour every 3 years (next int'l tour in 2026).

    • Local travel for tours and performances

    • Two weekend retreats with professional musicians and/or other youth groups (cost ~140-$250 depending on venue)

    • Performance Uniform: Ensemble members must purchase a Celtic Ensemble t-shirt ($25), black dress pants or skirt, black dress shoes or flats. Members may also be assessed an additional formal costume fee in the order of ~$40-$100 / season.

      September retreat: ~$140 (food provided by parents, 1 catered meal)

      February retreat: ~$260 (incl. Full room and board)

      West Coast Fiddle Summit: Banff 2025 costs are still TBC.

      Tour: Planning is in the works for a tour on the way to West Coast Youth Fiddle Summit in Banff, AB. Families should also expect a major international tour in 2026.

    Volunteer commitment

    The Celtic Ensemble relies with gratitude on parent volunteers to support our programs and performances. In addition to the basic expectation that each family helps to sell tickets to performances, and drive their musician to rehearsals and performances, families are asked to commit to the following volunteer hours over the course of the year:

    • Strings & Things families: ~5 hours/year

    • Junior Ensemble families: ~10 hours/year

    • Senior Ensemble families: ~15 hours/year

    Volunteering allows you to meet new people and get to know our organization. If you are unable to volunteer your time, you may opt to pay a $250 fee either at registration or at the end of the season if volunteer hours are unmet.